Poultry Agskills: A Practical Guide to Farm Skills
Author: NSW DPI
Publisher: NSW DPI
Format: Softback
ISBN: 9780731306169
Product Id: 5467
Dimensions (cm): 29.6 H x 21 W
Pages: 76
Poultry Agskills provides a basic guide to some of the skills and practices of poultry production. The book contains step-by-step instructions, diagrams, and full-colour pictures. Some of the skills included are: breed, rear or buy poultry, provide housing, collect and handle eggs, feed poultry and maintain poultry health.
Table of contents
Animal welfare
General safety precautions
Choose poultry
Choose a breed
Breed chickens using a hen
Mechanically incubate chickens
Buy and rear chickens
Identify stock
Purchase point of lay pullets
Provide housing
Manage broody hens
Collect and handle eggs
Feed poultry
Maintain poultry health
Prevent and treat external parasites
Prevent and treat internal parasites and diseases
Prevent the spread of disease
Catch, check and dispose of spent birds
Glossary of terms
References and industry contacts
What is a safe work method statement?
Check your skills