AgGuide - Honey Harvesting & Extraction
Author: Douglas Somerville, Bill Winner & Elizabeth Frost
Publisher: CSIRO Publishing
Format: Softback
ISBN: 9781760580193
Product Id: 5804
Dimensions (cm): 29.6 H x 21 W
Pages: 128
This book informs beekeepers of best practices so that their hard work results in a product of optimum quality. It also informs beekeepers of the threats to honey quality which can occur though poor handling skills or poor design of facilities. It includes references to legislation about food production, where relevant.
It shows the way to document procedures so that they can be used as evidence of best practice.
Table of Contents
Hive to Extraction
Properties of honey
Remove honey from the hive
Transport from hive to extracting facility
Extraction premises
Mobile extraction facilities
Honey extraction
The extraction process
Extraction equipment
Honey storage
HACCP for the honey industry
Controlling and maintaining honey quality
Appendix 1: Checklists and record sheets
Appendix 2: Codex for honey
- Appendix 3: Antibiotic residues
- Appendix 4: Sample safety data sheet
- Appendix 5: Vendor declaration