AgGuide - Getting Started in Free Range Poultry
Author: David Brouwer
Publisher: NSW Government Industry & Investment
Format: Softback
ISBN: 9780731306237
Product Id: 4247
Dimensions (cm): 29.6 H x 21 W
Pages: 176
This book includes both meat and egg production, breeds, rearing, health, housing and nutrition.
Table of contents
The market for free range production
Pitfalls for new entrants
An introduction to production systems and standards for free range eggs
An introduction to production systems and standards for meat birds
Choosing a breed
Sourcing stock
Managing the flock
Feeding and nutrition
Housing for free range poultry
Protecting the flock from predators
Pastures for poultry
Free range health management
Biosecurity for free range production
Regulations: state and local government
A business plan for free range poultry
EggInvest: an aid to planning and budgeting
An example of free range standards - eggs
Free range eggs. Standards Compared.
Chicken suppliers
Also includes nine case studies including both egg and meat bird enterprises.