AgGuide - Farm Water
Author: Jennifer Laffan
Publisher: NSW DPI
Format: Softback
ISBN: 9781742562612
Product Id: 4918
Dimensions (cm): 29.6 H x 21 W
Pages: 140
This book is for anyone who wants the best from their water supplies in a rural area. It gives an introduction to the technical problems involved in domestic and livestock water supplies, but is written for the non-engineer.
Table of contents
- What do you want water for?Domestic water quality, Salinity, Water for use with farm chemicals, Water for stock,Catchments and water quality.
- How much water do you need?Storage, Water supply, Peak flow, Choose the right pump.
- Creeks and rivers:Reliability, Controlled access, Licensing.
- Underground water:Where does it come from? Licenses, Some important terms, Costs.
- Where do you want the water?Head, Lift.
- How do pumps work?Centrifugal pumps, Positive displacement pumps, Hydraulic ram, Know your pump job.
- Can a pump do what you need? Reading a pump curve or chart.
- How will you power your pump?Mains electricity, Petrol and diesel engines, Solar power, Wind power, Other power sources.
- Carrying water:pipe Poly pipe, PVC pipe, Pipe diameter.
- Pump set up:Installing the pump, Protect the suction line, Priming the centrifugal pump, Water hammer.
- Fittings:Around the pump, For the pipes.
- Tanks and troughs
- Stock water and farm planning:Where to place the water, Case study, Placing troughs, Farm dams, Management, Community benefits.
- Putting it all together:Designing a farm water supply, Water supply and paddocks.